Preparing for Fall | Drain Cleaning

AAP Holidays

Preparing for Fall | Drain Cleaning

Is Your Home Plumbing Ready for the Challenges of Fall and Holidays?

Affordable East Bay Plumber | Drain Cleaning Once again, it is that time of year, when leaves change colors and start to fall from trees. While this may be a beautiful time of year, it is also an important time of year to prepare your home plumbing! Your home plumbing needs to be prepared for a few things that typically happen during the end of the year. If you are prepared, you can avoid an untimely and costly backed up main drain.

How to Prepare Your Home Plumbing

This year is very different for most of us because of COVID-19. For many of us, that means no big family gatherings and holiday get togethers. In years past, this increase in plumbing demand often lead to a busy holiday season of emergency plumber calls for Always Affordable Plumbing. However, just be aware that it does not always take a large increase in demand on your home plumbing for issues to arise. Even a small get together or a larger family dinner can be enough for a latent blockage to reveal its ugly head. The best thing you can do to prepare your home plumbing is to get a plumbing inspection. Always Affordable Plumbing offers low cost inspections and drain flow testing to identify any potential problems, so you can fix them BEFORE they become a major issue. For example, your kitchen drain may run slow due to FOG (fats, oil, grease) build up. This may not be an issue right now, but why wait until it backs up before you fix it? Better to know now and correct it.

How to Prevent Main Drain Backup

Another common issue we see this time of year is the main drain line backs up. The main drain is the pipe that all of your home plumbing connects to, which then empties into the main sewer line. These main drains are prone to all kinds of blockage issues. Most commonly, main drains will become blocked by root intrusion as well as build up from non-biodegradable material. Root intrusion develops as tree roots seek out water. This can occur during warm summer months. However, root growth and intrusion also happens during winter months as roots are attracted to the warmer water flowing through the drain. It may take some time for roots to find a way into a hairline crack or pipe joint, but once the roots are in, you will constantly be battling root growth and drain issues. Tiny, hair-like roots grow into your main drain and rapidly expand. This alone can become enough to slow your main drain. However, things get really bad when flushed material begins to catch on the root intrusion. Typically, this is when people flush or dispose of items that don’t easily breakdown.


  • Q-tips
  • cotton balls
  • feminine hygiene products
  • paper towels
  • cotton swabs
  • diapers

Your Affordable East Bay Plumber

If you want a worry free holiday season, call Always Affordable Plumbing TODAY to schedule your home plumbing inspection! Our licensed plumbers will do a thorough inspection of all your home plumbing to identify any potential issues. We then provide you with an inspection report, so you can plan and budget accordingly, if there are any red flags. Our goal is to help you prevent emergency plumbing issues by helping you with affordable and simple plumbing maintenance.

Service, quality, and affordability for our customers always comes first. Call today to schedule your appointment!

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Find out more about Always Affordable Plumbing (Lic. #1003782) by calling (916) 970-0188.

Affordable East Bay Plumber | Drain Cleaning