03 Mar Replacing a Toilet Can Help Avoid Bigger Issues
A Friendly Neighborhood Plumber Reminder: You Have to Use Your Toilet Every Day, So Be Sure It’s In Good Shape!
Neighborhood Plumber | Replacing a Toilet
You may stand in front of it. You certainly sit on it. You probably even kneel in front of it when you’re not feeling well. There’s no denying: Your toilet is an essential part of your home. That is to say, it’s an important part of your life!
But how long have you had that toilet? More than likely, unless there’s been a disaster, it came with the house when you bought it. Consequently, it would be at least as many years old as you’ve lived at your current address. And realistically, it’s even older than that.
As plumbers in Sacramento, we see a lot of toilet emergencies. That is to say, we handle plenty of bathroom clogs, leaks, and floods. Yes, some of these incidents do sometimes involve brand new toilets. But a good number of disasters can be blamed on old thrones.
When it comes to replacing a toilet, here are four signs that should cement your decision:
It’s Just Not Working Properly
Above all, you want your toilet to be a reliable fixture. For instance, it should flush properly every time you use it. But if you find yourself wondering whether everything in the bowl is truly going to go away, you may need a new one. Flushing is not a guessing game. Or at least, it shouldn’t be.
It’s Making Too Much Work for You
Maybe your toilet flushes (most of the time), but it requires a lot of “hand holding.” This week it’s a broken chain inside the tank. Next week it’s a small leak. Then the week after that, it’s a different leak. Sure, you can keep your john doing its job with a series of small repairs. But after a while, the time you spend on fix after fix can add up. In short, you can keep your can limping along. Or you can get a new one. Replacing a toilet is a simple way to avoid on-going maintenance repairs.
It’s Really Old
Is your toilet of legal drinking age? Did the kid who potty trained on it recently head off to college? Or graduate? Some toilets are workhorses, but if they arrived at your home in the 1900s, it may be replacement time. There are modern options that use less water per flush. Improved efficiency is better for the environment and your water bills. In addition, the older a toilet is, the more likely it is to suffer a catastrophic failure.
It’s … Done
Let’s say your toilet finally cracked in its old age. It flooded your bathroom and cost you quite a bit of money and time for cleanup and repairs. This is not a “fixer-upper” situation. That is to say, you should not try to piece it back together with some strong glue and hope. Get a new one!
Some Problems Run Deep
Routine clogs and plugs can be the sign of a toilet past its prime. But they can also indicate trouble farther along in the system. Watch for other warning signs. For example you may notice as bad smells coming from sink drains. Or find sewage seeping up into your shower. If this is the case, call a plumber to help you find the true source of the problem. Slapping a new toilet onto a broken system is not a solution!
Call your neighborhood plumber, Always Affordable Plumbing, at (916) 970-0099. We can help you figure out whether you should get some pristine porcelain or have a professional clear your pipes. Replacing a toilet is usually pretty fast and simple!
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Neighborhood Plumber | Replacing a Toilet