Shocking New Report Finds 56 New Chemicals In Our Water Supply!

AAP SafeWater

Shocking New Report Finds 56 New Chemicals In Our Water Supply!

Best Home Water Filters | Sacramento Plumbing Service

Clean Water Advocate Group Identifies Radioactive Material and Pesticides in Latest Water Supply Research

When it comes to our drinking water, we all want the same thing: safe, clean, clear water. Our municipalities do a really good job of providing that, for the most part. Especially compared to many other parts of the world. However, the fact remains that the more we learn about water contamination, the more it is apparent that government regulations are not keeping up. The Environmental Working Group (EWG) is on the forefront of clean water advocacy, providing some of the most current and relevant research on the topic. In their first national water analysis update in two years, they were able to identify 56 new chemicals and contaminants in our water that were previously uncategorized or not tested for!! (For the full report, go HERE)

Tap Water Database Summary

The findings by the EWG are not meant to be scare tactics or accusations of negligence. They are meant to educate and inform, both consumers and policy makers. Their goal is to help create change to improve our water quality and protect our health through meaningful, scientific research and data. To that point, they do feel strongly that the EPA is moving too slowly to provide the protections necessary for today’s water supply.
With more funding, stronger federal safety standards and a greater focus on helping historically disadvantaged areas, safe water could finally be a given for all communities across the country,” Cook said. “Until then, EWG’s Tap Water Database will continue to be a key part of our work to help consumers and communities learn about the true scope of the problem, empower themselves and advocate for better water quality.-EWG President Ken Cook

What They Discovered

In order to update the Tap Water Database, EWG spent two years with leading researchers and scientists. They analyzed almost 50,000 water systems in the US, testing for contaminants and toxins both on the EPA list, as well as many that are not yet even regulated. The research uncovered:
widespread contamination from toxic substances such as arsenic, lead and the “forever chemicals” known as PFAS in the drinking water of tens of millions of households in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. The database also underscores the need for stricter federal water quality standards and a massive injection of funding for badly needed water infrastructure improvements across the country.
A few of the primary issues that the EWG has identified are:
  • many of our water supply systems have old, outdated infrastructures
  • municipalities old systems can’t keep up with the sanitation demands
  • source water is more and more polluted
Additionally, the EWG continues to point out that EPA regulations are driven by old data. This old information allows for toxic levels of contaminants, despite the availability of newer research and information.

The Best Home Water Filters Can Help

If you are looking for it, you can easily see that clean water is a growing problem right here in the US. More and more major cities are seeing severe water quality problems, ranging from chemical contamination, to toxic molds. To protect your water, keep reading information, and take action! Supporting groups like the EWG is helpful. Additionally, you can advocate for change from your local legislators. These small things are important pieces of making change on a large scale. On a personal level, you can take steps to protect your own tap water with the use of home water filters. Whole home water filtration systems are extremely effective. They can remove many dangerous chemicals and contaminants that get past ineffective EPA regulations. However, as we always say, even the use of a simple and affordable carbon-charcoal filter can improve your water quality. To learn more about water supply contamination, visit the EWG Tap Water Database, where you can input your zip code to see their analysis of your water supply. Additionally, you can call AAP Sacramento and Solano and schedule a complimentary water analysis, in home, of your actual tap water. Our water expert will go over the results with you and show you water filter options that can improve the quality and taste of your tap water. AAP only recommends some of the best home water filter options available.

Service, quality, and affordability for our customers always comes first. Call today to schedule your appointment!

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Best Home Water Filters | Sacramento Plumbing Service