Author: alwaysaffordable

Pinhole Leaks in Copper Pipes in Folsom Are a Major Problem Re-piping Copper Pipes | Pipe Leak Repair Sacramento There is a major problem going on around Folsom as people are reporting pinhole leaks in their copper piping. Even these small leaks can cause major water damage...

A Sacramento Plumber Explains 3 Steps for Fixing a Slow Drain Is It Hair? Scum? Something Worse?! Best Drain Cleaning | Sacramento Plumber Our parents and teachers have told us for years that what’s inside is what matters most. While that may be true when it comes to...

Copper Pipes with Pinhole Leaks are Popping Up Around Folsom and Sacramento! Copper Pipe Repair Folsom | Affordable Folsom Plumber Folsom residents are reporting mysterious leaks in their homes! Sudden drips and water stains are popping up out of nowhere, causing thousands of dollars in water damage....