Author: alwaysaffordable

Water Quality Standards | Always Affordable Plumbing East Bay Our Water Standards Are Good, but Are They Good Enough? Having safe and clean drinking water is one of our expectations here in America. In fact, we often take it for granted. According to WHO, 1 in 3...

Do You Know What Contaminants Are in Sacramento's Drinking Water? Best Water Filtration Sacramento | Always Affordable Plumbing Many of take for granted that when we pour ourselves a glass of water from our tap, that the water will be clean. We expect it to be without...

Don't Let Stagnant Pipes Derail Your Restaurant Re-Opening Best East Bay Commercial Plumber | Restaurant Plumbing Under the Governor's new COVID Tier system, counties receive weekly updates as to their progress and status. The California COVID tier system is a color code based system that measures positivity...

Is Your Home Plumbing Ready for the Challenges of Fall and Holidays? Affordable East Bay Plumber | Drain Cleaning Once again, it is that time of year, when leaves change colors and start to fall from trees. While this may be a beautiful time of year,...

What is the Best Method for Having Filtered Water at Home? Water Filter Systems | Best Home Water Filtration Your city tap water is supposed to meet strict quality guidelines. This ensures that your drinking water is safe and high quality. Even when your city water meets...

Bottled Water is a Booming Industry, but is it Worth the Cost? Home Water Treatment Systems | Truth About Bottled Water Hydration is important, and the bottled water industry helps more people drink more water. In the U.S. alone, bottled water is a $18 BILLION plus industry!...